Improve ways to create value with protection services in China

Prioritize a customer-centric approach to insurance business design

  • Challenge

    Today, extended product warranties solve more of a business problem than a specific customer need. We must fundamentally reengage our customers to uncover how protection can enrich their lives and their ownership experience. We need a clear role for protection within the broader customer relationships we seek.

  • Insight

    Pivot from traditional fixed-term models to a premium value proposition that generates a recurring profit stream. Focus on value creation, not just loss mitigation. Develop, price, market, and deliver protection services that maximize perceived and realised customer benefits to drive lifetime value.

  • Solution

    We redefined the Flex Protection business model, value case modelling and protection app. The business model shifts from the current multiple plans/customer/year to a single plan per customer with a one-time purchase. This requires moving from a transaction attachment model to a penetration model.

Business & Service Discovery

Business & Service Discovery

AIG business workshop

Value Cases

Value Cases

AIG concept prioritisation

Business Plan & Process

Business Plan & Process

AIG customer interview

Customer Research

Invent different business concepts based on insight-driven imperatives and test concepts with customers. Create protection offers built specifically to target customers' needs, with the benefits clearly communicated, reinforced, and delivered.


The Solution


Introducing an all-inclusive protection program



New Business model

Shift to flexible contract revenue model for the new Chinese market


Customer lifetime value

